Microscience Microscopy Congress 2023

Maryam Afzali presenting at MMC 2023
PhD student Maryam Afzali, Research Fellows Martha Ilett and Stephanie Foster, Research Officer Zabeada Aslam and PI Rik Drummond-Brydson (all University of Leeds) recently attended this year's Microscience Microscopy Congress (MMC 2023) in Manchester. Maryam, Martha and Stephanie all delivered talks in the Electron Microscopy and Analysis (EMAG) programme, where they presented work on the effect of the sample preparation method on crystallisation reactions, the challenges of liquid cell TEM and how to overcome them, and the use of cryo- and liquid cell TEM to investigate the carbonation of Ca(OH)2. The talks were well-received and provided future opportunities for collaborations with other microscopists attending. They were also able to enjoy a demo by Tescan on the Tensor, the new 4D-STEM that will be installed shortly in the Bragg Centre for Materials Research at Leeds.

Stephanie Foster presenting at MMC 2023