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Six monthly meeting near Warwick










Colleagues from all of our partner institutions met near Warwick on 27-28 April 2023 to present updates on their work. There were lively discussions and great interactions.

Aaron Finney adding a graph to a flipchart

Here's a flavour of the wide range of topics:

Stephen Yeandel – Interfacial Free Energies of Calcium Sulphates in Concentrated Solutions

Martha Ilett and Steph Foster – Studying the flow pathways through the liquid cell holder

Tom Dunn – What makes hair a good nucleant

Dimitrios Valavanis – Nanoscale electrochemical reactors and operando optical microscopy

Bidisha Tah Roy – Control over the Polymorphism of Guanine Crystallization in Neutral pH

Aaron Finney – Surface effects and crystal precursors