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ESR two-day February Meeting takes place at UCL


Our Early Stage Researchers had a two-day meeting at UCL in February 2020, the first meeting of its kind to include all funded PhD and PDRA members on the Project.

An icebreaker event was held at the Mineral Collection, Natural History Museum, which prompted a lot of discussion about different types of crystallisation mechanisms.



A half-day Faraday-type discussion —where aspects of our research shared in advance of the meeting were discussed in an open forum— was used to bring everyone up to speed with the technical approach of modellers and experimentalists.  All our ESRs presented their science and new collaborations between groups were set up.

An exciting new study into calcium sulphate crystallisation and polymorphism was initiated by groups at Sheffield, Leeds and Warwick.  Dr Jenny Webb (Particle Science Team Leader, Syngenta) and Dr Matteo Salvalaglio kindly came along to share their extensive experiences on state-of-the-art modelling techniques to study crystallisation of organic materials in industry and academia.  This was a great way to frame the context of our research, and motivate new ways to study crystallisation in inorganic systems.